Top Reasons Why Learning AI and ML are Important for Kids Education

Coding Hero
4 min readAug 10, 2021

The importance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) can be seen in everyday examples, such as the text correction and prediction we used to type this article, anti-bot captcha systems, search engines, chatbots, personal assistants, product recommendations, and personalised advertising. Even self-driving cars and meteorological agencies place a high value on AI and machine learning in order to forecast and prevent accidents and disasters.

Today, AI-assisted education is becoming increasingly popular, allowing teachers and educational institutions to analyse students and tailor teaching methods to each individual.

They can also aid in improving the efficiency of administrative work, allowing teachers to focus more on comprehension and flexibility. We may aim for the best results in AI and ML in education by combining the best traits of machines and teachers.

The Importance of Learning AI and ML

So, what role does AI and machine learning play in children’s early learning and development? Let’s look at some of the reasons:

Algorithms: The concept of algorithms allows you to address problems in a step-by-step manner. Algorithms tell computers how to do things like take inputs, process and analyse them, and then output desired outcomes, or even make judgments. It also aids youngsters with materialising ideas such as decision making (conditional logic), selection, iteration, and sequencing, which they do subconsciously in their daily lives. These are the foundations of programming and learning to code. CodingHero allows kids to develop apps and games using pre-programmed code blocks while simultaneously learning about artificial intelligence with Artificial Intelligence Coding Course For Kids

Solution-Oriented: Learning AI and ML helps children think creatively, reason, and have a solution-oriented mindset, which is crucial at any age. Because young children have a great capacity for learning, they are taught discipline, etiquette, and other social skills at a young age. As a result, it is prudent to instill problem-solving abilities that will mature and shape with their age; it also ignites ambitions and empowers them to be self-directed.

Big Data: Data rules today’s world. Big Data is widely used and will continue to expand, and AI and machine learning are significantly reliant on it. Learning about big data systems and how they’re used in AI and machine learning will help kids get comfortable with creating their own projects. AI does not learn on its own; it need data, which comes from the user. As a result, children will learn how to retrieve, store, arrange, and analyse data sets, as well as how to feed data into systems.

Opportunities: AI and machine learning will be used a lot more in the future, and they will be integrated into a lot of popular systems. Contrary to popular assumption, it would not only not displace employment, but it would also create new ones. People used to believe that computers will eventually replace humans and that they would lose their jobs; nevertheless, look at where we are now. The future places a greater emphasis on automation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning, and appropriately so; youngsters are already equipped by the time they begin looking for work.

Morality and Humanity: Learning AI and ML opens up concerns about morality and humanity. As a result, AI and machine learning do not provide you with hard skills. You must know and teach ethical and moral values to AI when creating it. In 1942, Isaac Assimov created the three rules of robotics, which govern how robots and humans interact. Children can wonder what it means to be human, what is morality, and how to govern morality for a robot as AI develops in accordance with, or even defies it. These aren’t difficult topics for young minds to grasp; in fact, they learn from their surroundings, parents, and other people. What a monkey sees, a monkey does.

AI will be used in production in the artistic and creative industries as well. Google’s Experiments with Google programme uses AI for a variety of “experiments,” such as generating music using voice commands, guessing what’s drawn, jamming musical instruments with you, and even translating speech into drawings! This demonstrates that technology is used in a wide range of fields, and pupils are not need to pursue a career as a software developer. Their imaginations are boundless, and introducing children to AI and machine learning at a young age would only help them realise their fantasies.

With AI and Machine Learning becoming so widely used, it’s only natural that the next generation would be conversant with them and remain relevant in the current world. Our parents frequently learn about modern technologies from us; history may repeat itself, and we will learn from the younger generation.



Coding Hero

Coding hero is one of the best coding school that offers online programming courses for kids from 5–18 years of age.